Greatness of the Mitzvah
The Mita’am Hamelekh teaches that the Mitzvah of Tzitzit helps to make a person happy.
The Likute Etzot states that through the fulfilling of the Mitzvah of Tzitzit one can be privileged to experience miracles.
Likute Etzot teaches that through the Mitzvah of Tzitzit one brings endless blessing and wealth.
Harav Chayim Palachi teaches that wearing a garment with Tzitzit grants one longevity.
The Zohar teaches that when someone dresses in a garment with Tzitzit he becomes a complete person about whom G-d rejoices and from who the Angel of Death keeps his distance.
The Pele Yo’etz pointed out that it is impossible for anyone to fulfill the 613 Mitzvot, but when someone fulfills the Mitzvah of Tzitzit G-d considers it as if he fulfilled all the Mitzvot.
The Tikkune Zohar teaches that, as a reward for the Mitzvah of Tzitzit, one will be shielded from all sorts of harmful demons.
The Tikkune Zohar teaches that in the merit of fulfilling the Mitzvah of Tzitzit and Tefilin, one will be given the three aspects of the soul – Nefesh, Ru’ach, and Neshama. The Mekor Chayim explain that possessing these aspects of the soul is a prerequisite to becoming worthy of becoming a carrier of G-d’s name.
Whoever is carful to fulfill the Mitzvah of Tzitzit properly will be treated with the mercy inherent in the blessed Name of Havaya.
The Sifte Kohen teaches that through the fulfilling of Mitzvah of Tzitzit one becomes a partner to the Blessed Holy One.
The Kaf Hachayim Palachi taught that in reward for the fulfilling of the Mitzvah of Tzitzit one will be privileged to be resurrected.
The Ene Ha’eda states that through fulfilling the Mitzvah of Tzitzit we will have the merit to have the Bet Hamikdash constructed.
The Likute Etzot states that by being careful to fulfill the Mitzvah of Tzitzit properly, one will be protected from harmful advice. Instead, one will be privy to the counsel of righteous men.
The Arial taught that Tzitzit provide protection from the evil eye that stems from impure spiritual forces.
Harav Moshe Alshikh taught that the Mitzvah of Tzitzit protects a person from sinful thoughts.
The Kitzur Shene Luchot Haberit demonstrated that the word Talit has the same numerical value as the word Galuyot (exiles). In the merit of wearing the Tzitzit and thinking about the mystical aspects of the Mitzvah, we are redeemed from all sorts of exile, both spiritual and physical.
The Midrash Hagadol teaches that our enemies will be vanquished through the merit of the Mitzvah of Tzitzit.
The Likute Etzot states that through fulfilling the Mitzvah of Tzitzit one will successfully evade the attacks of the wicked and those who battle against the truth.
The Zohar states that anyone who wears Tzitzit has the status of Echad (One), just as G-d is called Echad. By fulfilling the Mitzvah of Tzitzit, we testify that G-d is One.
The Likute Etzot states that we weaken all evil decrees through the Mitzvah of Tzitzit.
The Me’il Tzedaka teaches that the Mitzvah of Tzitzit, when reinforced with the element of Tekhelet, cleanse the nation of Israel from every form of impurity and Tum’a.
The Likute Etzot states that by being careful to fulfill the Mitzvah of Tzitzit properly, one will be enabled to pray properly and to repent with all of one’s heart.
The Likute Etzot teaches that someone who is ill can enhance his changes of being cured through gazing a Tzitzit.
Likute Etzot teaches that through the Mitzvah of Tzitzit the Redemption will be hastened.
The Tikkune Zohar states that when a person wears a Talit it is as if he has prepared a throne for G-d.
One can deduce rom a passage in Sifri (#115) that whoever fulfills the The Likute Etzot states is given the title of Tzaddik.
The Midrash Tehillim (90:16) teaches that through the Mitzvah of Tzitzit we gain the status of G-d’s children.
The Ma’amar Mordekhai teaches that through fulfilling the Mitzvah of Tzitzit one will be spared from the sin of stealing.
The Talmud teaches (Shabbat 23b) that whoever takes the care to fulfill the Mitzvah of Tzitzit in the optimal manner will be privileged to wear splendid spiritual garments in the World to Come.
If someone wears a garment with Tzitzitm it enhances his soul with fear of Heaven. The Shomer Emunim pointed out that the word Yir’ato (fear to Him) has a numerical value of 617, equal to the numerical value of the words Tzitzit Bevigdo (Tzitzit on his garments).
The Likute Etzot states that whoever fulfills the The Likute Etzot states properly will always have enough to support himself.
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